What is the tradition behind wearing Whites for Holi Milan celebrations?

What is the tradition behind wearing Whites for Holi Milan celebrations?

Have you ever wondered why we see everyone dressing up in White during Holi Milan celebrations? Here are few speculations on what led to the origin of this decade-long tradition?

We all agree that White of all colours symbolises peace and fresh beginnings!

The history of why we celebrate the beautiful festival lies in the roots in Indian mythology. Legend mentions an evil king Hiranyakashipu who had tasked his sister named Holika to kill his son Prahlada. His son was a devoted worshipper of Lord Vishnu. Holika sat with him on a pyre while wearing a cloak that was blessed to protected her from the fire. While Prahlada was to burn in the fire, it was with God’s divine intervention, the cloak protected Praladha while Holika burned in the fire she intended to harm Praladha with. This ancient tale goes on the spread the moral of goodness and pureness prevailing over evil and immorality.

Since then, the festival of Holi is celebrated to welcome the goodness that spring season brings! Denoting a new wave of positivity and love. The festival is cherished by gushing ‘gulaal’ or color into the air and onto our loved ones. White clothing during Holi’s playful shenanigans is known to signify a ‘clean-slate.’

Many have also accepted white as the dress code stating the example of water. How water does not have a color of its own and takes onto the colour of any substance added into it. Be it good or wicked. Similarly this new beginning gives everyone an opportunity to get together and spread merriness to stay in their lives for long.

Some sources have also associated the festival with Lord Krishna and Radha’s epic love story.

With the passing decades, the Holi Milan celebrations have evolved to include large scale DJ parties, water jet parties, thandai cocktails and more, but one thing that remains constant is that preference of white outfits.

Happy Holi from Team ADA Lucknow Chikan
Happy Holi from Team ADA Lucknow Chikan

How are you celebrating this year’s colorful festival?

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